Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Too Sexy for My List

As you could probably guess from my silence on the matter, my “Grapes of Wrath” inspired list for failed to make the cut. They’re a mercurial bunch over at McSweeney’s, one minute going for highbrow literary references and the next opting for Yiddish punnery.

But my mission continues.

Therefore, I present my latest list:

How Justin Timberlake is Bringing Sexy Back

On a slow boat from China
In the back of a 1974 Pinto station wagon
In the expandable front pocket of his Roll-A-Board
Less Cameron Diaz, more Cameron Manheim
Via FedEx 3-day economy




Anonymous said...

Cute post!

Jason Fox said...

I'm nothing if not cute. Of course, my list was rejected by McSweeney's. They must know I'm not really that hip.